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I am a Game Designer, with a slight specialty in making details come across well. Below are some Game Design documents that I have made alone or in conjunction with other students from my college classes. They're pretty interesting reads, so if you've got the time, look them over. And if you've got the resources, you can try remaking the game yourself! Oh, and I added some game scripts for extra readings.

Game Writing

A concept for a Platformer game that features three levels and two characters based on magic and science. Players can choose one of the two characters and play to clear all three stages.

The concept is something interesting that I am looking forward to starting some day.

This document was created to have a physical copy of instructions for the player that goes in depth beyond the basic controls.
The manual tells the player about the controls, objective, story, game play mechanics, and tips to help the player.

Working with students from the Bloomfield College Game Development Club, we made the rules for a Pac-Man board game.

It's actually pretty fun and can have up to 5 players playing the game. It's still under revision, so it may need more balancing.


A concept document for a turn-based Adventure/Role Playing Game hybrid that I created.

I have had several people remark that they were interested in making the game. I would put up more, but I might need copyrights of some kind first. Otherwise, you'll see more soon!

For one class, we were supposed to rewrite the script for Call of Duty, writing a specific script that follows the same writing style used in the original game, but with changes to the dialogue.

If you read this along with the game carefully, you'll notice the changes in dialogue, as well as a change in the mission assignment. (Hint: There's an extra character in this script that isn't in the game.)

Based on the initial concept designs for a new character in the Portal franchise, I created a story for Aperture Science's latest test subject.

The script's pretty short, since it was just trying to create the beginning of the story. While nothing too eventful happens, Portal fans should enjoy this latest proposal of a new test subject.

The rules to my current project, All Systems Go. It's still in development, so the rule set is still quite lengthy.

This is for a card game to be played during parties and prompts users to create story solutions to challenges they encounter.


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